
Area Briefing

Fidelis Gamma meets in Weirton

WEIRTON — The West Virginia Fidelis Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary Women Educators Organization met Sept. 5 at Eat “n Park, Weirton, WV, with 11 members and three guests attending.

President Susan Cullinan welcomed the members. Membership Chairman Ruth Fuller introduced three prospective members: Patty Ferris, Wendy Speer and Sandra Swift.

Chaplain Elaine McClung led the “Pledge of Allegiance” and lifted a prayer for America. She read “Antidote for Fear” and gave a blessing.

Secretary Margo Polk provided the minutes online for all members to view. Elaine McClung made a motion to accept the minutes and Shirely Washam second the motion. Members vote was unanimous.

Treasurer Carolyn Allison gave the financial report and information on yearly dues.

In the absence of Eileen Snyder, Ruth Fuller read correspondence,

Alpha Delta Kappa Month Chairman Shirley Washam shared information and plans for celebrating during the month of October.

The Altruistic form was passed for the members to record volunteer hour, monetary gifts, and donations. These will be recorded by Altruistic Chairman Margo Polk.

Nancy Conley will be submitting newspaper articles to the newspaper recognizing our monthly meetings.

President Cullinan shared information on the Ohio Valley District Fall Founder’s Day Luncheon. The event will take place at Williamstown, WV, on Oct. 26, 2024. Those members that plan to attend should make reservations before Oct. 5. Contact President Cullinan for additional information.

Members enjoyed a delicious lunch and social time.

Fuller passed forms needed to complete the “Chapter Needs Assessment” for this biennium. Members shared information and ideas for setting goals.

Concerns were shared for Nancy Conley.

Hostesses for the month were Sandi Anderson, Janet Benzo, and Nancy Deters. The hostesses for October will be Liz Pugh and Elaine McClung.

The meeting was adjourned with the singing of “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.”

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