
Court denies appeal of woman convicted of moving a corpse

LISBON — An appellate court recently ruled against a Wellsville woman’s appeal of her sentence for abuse of a corpse, declaring the case moot and dismissing the appeal since she already served her jail time.

Tiffany Sattler, 33, Commerce Street, filed the appeal early this year in the Seventh District Court of Appeals to challenge the Nov. 29, 2023 judgment issued in Columbiana County Municipal Court.

She was sentenced to 90 days in jail and fined $500 for the misdemeanor charge of abuse of a corpse, at the time receiving credit for two days served in jail, leaving 88 days still to serve in jail. A jury found her guilty of the charge.

The abuse of a corpse charge stemmed from Sattler helping to move a deceased drug overdose victim who was dragged to a van on Chester Avenue and transported to the area known as the switch at state Route 7 and Kountz Avenue in Wellsville on March 22, 2021.

According to the appellate court, the state filed a motion to dismiss the appeal in June, but Sattler did not respond to the motion. She also did not seek a stay of execution of the jail sentence pending appeal and has already finished serving the jail term.

The appellate court ruling said the Ohio Supreme Court has held that in misdemeanor criminal cases where a defendant has voluntarily paid the fine or completed the sentence, the appeal is moot unless the defendant can demonstrate that her or she served the sentence involuntarily or that he or she suffered some collateral disability or loss of civil rights.

The ruling said Sattler has not responded to the state’s motion to dismiss, “therefore she has not shown that she has or will suffer a collateral consequence due to her conviction.”


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