

Students Georgie Long and Austin Pickering learn how to write with a quill from living history reenactor Jan Hall at Pioneer Village. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Living history reenactor Jan Hull teaches the students how to write with a quill. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Cohen Plumm sniffs a bait stick held by classmate and living history reenactor Lily Butler during a demonstration on trapping beaver for fur in the 18th century. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt
Beaver Local Middle School student and living history reenactor Lily Butler demonstrates to her classmates how to clean beaver fur. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Students learn about the militia and muskets from living history reenactors Greg Leopard and Blake Butler. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Students learn about log cabin building from living history reenactor George Kascsak. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Living history reenactor Paul Godby teaches students about blacksmithing. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Students learn about the militia and muskets from living history reenactors Greg Leopard and Blake Butler. (Photo by Kristi R. Garabrandt)
Giada Circelli learns from living history reenactor Ken Hull how fur trading worked in frontier America prior to the American Revolution.

Eighth-grade students from Beaver Local Middle School recently experienced living history at Pioneer Village in Beaver Creek State Park. Historians taught the students about living in the 18th Century frontier and what life was like leading up to the American Revolution. Students learned how to write with a quill, about textiles, blacksmithing, militia and muskets, fur trapping and trading, cabin building and more. Giada Circelli learns from living history reenactor Ken Hull how fur trading worked in frontier America prior to the American Revolution. (Photos by Kristi R. Garabrandt)

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