
Chester closes small bridge on Church Alley

CHESTER — A temporary downtown bridge closure was announced Tuesday.

According to Mayor Ed Wedgewood, the small bridge on Church Alley behind the American Legion is closed effective immediately due to being old and in bad shape.

“We are not going to risk an accident,” he said.

Chester is undergoing a city-wide paving project.

Wedgewood said Church Alley will remain open on either side of the bridge with outlets on 4th and 5th Street. “During our paving project, it was determined that we have a structural deficiency in the bridge that will require a repair. This job will need bid out,” the mayor explained. “There is no set time table for its repair, but it is of high priority to be finished as soon as possible. Please avoid the affected area during this time.”

Paving has been completed to Church Alley, which runs parallel to Carolina Avenue, Wedgewood said. The bridge project is expected to be discussed at the next city council meeting held at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2 in the municipal building.

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