
EL seeking bids for sewer part of SR 39 project

EAST LIVERPOOL –During a Board of Public Utilities meeting Thursday, Planning Director Bill Cowan discussed using Cowan Advertising to generate engineering bids for the sewer part of the state Route 39 project.

Board members Tim Clark and Jim Swoger agreed to go ahead with the advertisement. Board member Ray Sullivan was absent.

Cowan explained that the first step was to place the advertisement. Then if they got a response from an engineer that would meet the project’s need, they would next ask for a cost proposal. If board members were OK with the proposal — and they have the funds –then a contract could be signed. If they were not satisfied with the estimated cost provided, they could speak with the engineer about cost adjustments, or not sign the contract and no money would be paid out to the engineer.

Water Superintendent Paul McCarthy was absent from the meeting. Clark presented a report provided to him by McCarthy.

Clark said that Scout Solar has completed the installation of the solar panels at the water plant. Five of the panels had been vandalized. Scout Solar said it would foot the cost of replacing those, but in the future, according to the contract signed with the city, the city would be responsible for paying the replacement costs of any more vandalized panels.

The board discussed the cost of repairing the fence around the structure which was estimated at $6,200. Clark suggested they look into having the fence repaired.

Line Foreman Jayson Jackson told the board that estimates he was receiving to purchase a new truck for the department varied between $94,000 to $105,000. Clark indicated that the funds aren’t available right now and asked if Jackson had looked into prices through the state co-op.

Jackson said the LaCroft area is still experiencing dirty water from the Dresden Avenue water break. They are working to resolve the issue and that is was the dead section of the road where the problem is.

He also said leak detectors located approximately 12 leaks. Approximately 49 million gallons of water is lost to leaks.

The crews have been out fixing leaks and cold patching trying to fix holes and get everything wrapped up before winter.

Wastewater Superintendent Dave Freeman reported to the board on some of the issues at the plant and of the issues they were able to resolve.

He also said that the department received a certified letter from the EPA (Environment Protection Agency) The letter contained the department’s permit to operate. The permit is valid for five years.

The Board of Public Utilities meets the third Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. in council chambers at East Liverpool City Hall. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Oct. 17.


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