
Hancock BOE reviews superintendent goals

Bond levy proposal for safety and infrastructure Enich’s top priority

NEW CUMBERLAND — Hancock County Superintendent of Schools Dan Enich has set a series of goals for the school year, and Monday, the county board of education gave its approval to those plans.

Enich presented the board with copies of the four goals last week during a special meeting, explaining the goals also had to be submitted to the school Board of Education.

Monday, board President Chris Gillette noted each of the members had taken the last few days to review the proposals, with none expressing any concerns during the meeting.

“We’re extremely satisfied with everything he’s done and excited by his agenda,” Gillette said of Enich’s proposals.

Of Enich’s four goals, the first is well under way by establishing a bond levy proposal for safety and infrastructure.

The bond levy, proposed to raise $10.6 million over 10 ¢ years, is set to appear on the county’s Nov. 5 election ballot.

The second goal is to improve safety county wide, with steps to include the bond levy, emphasize relationships with law enforcement and other emergency responders, the county 911 center, and prevention resource officers; to develop PRO representatives in each end of the county for communication purposes; designate an individual to be in charge of safety aspects; explore the development of a safety coordinator; perform safety walkthroughs; improve security at building entrances; add weapon detectors; develop a safety needs list; purchase additional safety equipment; and replace fire alarm systems.

The third goal is to improve student achievements to be done through data plans and visits to all schools; communicate with the director of assessment regularly; communicate with directors of curriculum at the schools; increase support for the Multi-Tiered System of Support establishing benchmarks for students and increase MTSS in students’ schedules; establish Educational Opportunity Periods in students’ schedules; tutoring; offering interventionist times; and address grade level transition issues.

The final goal is to coordinate and finish all large construction projects at Oak Glen High and Weir High, including attending all construction meetings; finish all aspects of the Weir High softball field and complex; the Weir baseball field and complex, the Weir High physical education addition; and the Oak Glen High baseball and softball field projects.


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