
CCPA rejects bid for Pier 48 access ramp project

LISBON — Columbiana County Port Authority board members agreed Monday to reject the lone bid for a skid loader access ramp project for Pier 48 at the intermodal facility in Wellsville since it exceeded the engineer’s cost estimate by more than 10 percent.

CCPA CEO/Executive Director Penny Traina said engineer George Wick of Tenequip Inc. will have to review the plans and rebid the project.

Wick had estimated the cost for the Maritime Assistance Grant project at $205,059 to construct the skid loader access ramp to a moored work barge.

Marion Hill & Associates was the lone bidder at $289,865, which exceeded the engineer’s estimate by more than 10 percent, requiring the project to be rebid.

The CCPA board met briefly during a special virtual board meeting to vote on the bid rejection and also to approve a lease for a new tenant at the CCPA building on Lincole Place formerly known as the WIC building.

The new lease is with Easter Seals of Mahoning, Trumbull and Columbiana counties for 3,500 square feet of space on the lower level of the building for 12 months retroactive to Sept. 2 and ending Sept. 1, 2025 with the rent totaling $2,875 per month.

Traina said CCPA was happy to welcome Easter Seals. Along with WIC on the first floor, she said the building now has two healthy tenants. The CCPA purchased the building which is located just down the street from CCPA headquarters, also on Lincole Place.



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