
Partnership brings books to senior readers

Tasha Norton, Hancock County Senior Center assistant director, shows off the center’s book exchange case that features various titles by authors, such as Nicholas Sparks, courtesy of the Lynn Murray Memorial Library in Chester. They recently formed a partnership with the library, which is trying to rehome their discarded titles indoors throughout Hancock County.

CHESTER — The Lynn Murray Memorial Library has started a new community outreach partnership with Hancock County Senior Services, and they are looking to add a few new indoor sites to the fun.

According to Connie Daughty, library director, one of her senior patrons informed her that they didn’t have a lot of book selection at the senior services center, and she decided that she could help with that.

Between Daughty and the center’s assistant director Tasha Norton, the Chester library sent around 58 book titles over to the center. The majority of them are either paperbooks or duplicate copies, Daughty explained.

Romance, mystery and western titles appear to be the favorites, but she forwarded over a mix for their use off their four book exchange racks in the front of the library.

While one needs an active library card to check out one of the other titles, no card is needed for the book exchange books as those are basically library discards.

Norton said that the center has a book club that meets at 1 p.m. the first Monday of the month and they seem to be making good use of the books.

Think of it like Little Free Libraries but indoors, as there are too much abuse of the box and contents associated with the LFLs, explained Daughty.

She would like to eventually get several secure indoor locations to host the book exchanges, so she has the ability to rotate the exchanges’ contents.

Anyone interested in hosting an indoor book exchange location can reach Daughty at 304-387-1010.


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