
Wellsville BOE approves 2025-26 school year calendar

WELLSVILLE — The Wellsville school board Monday approved the 2025-2026 school calendar.

The calendar includes the first day for students on Aug. 27, last day (a half day) on May 22 and commencement on May 20.

The board also approved the Wellsville High School graduating class of 2025 contingent upon meeting all state and federal requirements and NEOLA Policies.

The board approved the treasurer’s report, including the financial report, transfers and modifications of funds and Then and Now certificates as presented to them.

They also approved the Connection Public Sector Solutions proposal for a cache server, which according to Treasurer Maia Amato is a cache server for the e-rate program for technology to for servers to run more efficiently.

Garfield Principal Shelbie Householder presented the kindergarten students of the month for March — Kolson Kazee and Callie Culp.

Householder told the board that kindergarten registration began on Monday and families would be able to complete all registration paperwork on FinalForms online for which there is a direct button to on the Wellsville Local Schools website and there are also open enrollment forms available on the website. Registration runs through June13.

Garfield’s Scholastic Book Fair began on Monday and will run through March 21. Each student will receive $10 to spend at the end of the week.

Elementary School Principal Erin Clemmer told the board members that the elementary school will be holding a family night on April 3 from 5 to 6:30 p.m., with a theme of tacos and hair dye. The book fair will be available at the event for families to shop.

The elementary school will begin the Ohio Readiness Assessment for all grades which will allow teachers to see areas of strengths and weakness and better prepare students for state testing which takes place next month.

Clemmer also noted that efforts to address chronic absenteeism and habitual tardiness were underway including the installation of a washer and dryer, March Madness bracket incentives and pro-active attendance plans.

Jr./Sr. High School Principal Richard Shilling told the board that the school had its honor roll breakfast, and they will be having a talent show on March 28. The talent show will take place during the day for the PBIS reward for this nine-week period. Students that qualified can sign up to participate in the show or be a judge for the show.

Shilling also noted that the school has the CCCTC Carts simulators this week so the seventh- through 10th-grade students can explores trades.

Jr./Sr. High School students of the month are Kimberlee Nally for the high school and Farrah Bess, seventh grade, and Zaiven Williams, eighth grade, for the jr. high.

The board members entered into an executive session for personnel matters to discuss the dismissal of an employee. No action was taking following that session.

The Wellsville Board of Education meets the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Wellsville Jr./Sr. High Media Center. The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 21.


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